Tuesday 4 January 2011

Shifty crows

To the beach for a walk, taking the precaution of wearing several layers of warm fleeces topped with heavy duty windproof jackets and trousers.  Despite the low, gloomy cloud cover it was exhilarating and we walked for miles into the chill breeze towards St. Andrews and then back again for a picnic lunch of smoked salmon pate on ciabatta rolls washed down with mugs of not-quite steaming Earl Grey tea.  Being outside always acts as a tonic and being on the beach doubly so.  I presume the ozone has something to do with it.  We were intrigued to find thick ice among the dunes covering shallow ponds and even lichen covered rocks slippery with the stuff.  The ice on the ponds, which were more like small lagoons, was sloped towards the middle, at an angle of twenty degrees or more, where the water was still flowing.  Beach combing opportunities were disappointingly sparse and we only managed to pick up a lump of coal and a shell.  Perhaps the lack of flotsam and jetsam on the beach had something to do with it being New Year.  No seals sighted and precious few seagulls.  Crows dominated the shoreline looking slightly shifty and forlorn.  No mermaids either, although I suspect my wife wouldn't have allowed me to take one home anyway. She would have taken the same line as she does to my suggestion of acquiring an au pair.  I wonder what would happen if we came across a merman?

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