Tuesday 1 February 2011

A feeling in my bones

Is it time for me to retire?  It's getting closer, I can feel it in my bones - they ache at the end of a day's work and my tiredness is such that I barely make it past 10pm before it's time for bed.  Even with all of the economic gloom and heavy job losses in the UK the life/work balance is shifting.  I can now more easily foresee the day when I dislike my job more than the financial rewards can compensate me for.  So, assuming it is sooner rather than later, what would I do with my retirement?   Walk, especially long-distance footpaths.  Read.  Listen to the radio.  Listen to music.   Paint.  Cook.  Probably look for a part-time job, perhaps in Tesco.  Explore Scotland which, to my shame, I have not yet done to any great extent. And then the rest of England and Wales, but hopefully not on a bicycle which is my wife's great ambition. Catch up on dvd boxsets.  Relax.  Enjoy the garden as much as my anti-gardening instincts allow me to - briefly consider cultivating vegetables but then abandon the scheme to read my newspaper instead.  With my feet up.  And an espresso coffee. Listening to Radio 3. Sounds great.

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