Monday 2 January 2012

Mild comic threat

It's that time of year again, the start of a new one, and traditionally the moment to list resolutions for the twelve months that lie ahead.  They don't always work but they're fun to do.  Mine include being a more regular blogger, eating less, reading more, going out to the theatre on a more regular basis, listening to my backlog of new cds, reading my backlog of books, exercising more, worrying less, and etc.  So no surprises there then.  I also hope to be able to go to the cinema more in 2012 but that depends largely on the selection offered at our local multiplex.  Mostly the films I want to see aren't shown, but an exception is 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' remake.  That's for tomorrow afternoon hopefully.  On checking the listings, I did find another hilarious advisory from the BBFC for Mr Popper's Penguins, quote, 'Contains mild comic threat and flatulence jokes'.  Penguins that fart?  Well, I never.  That's almost as funny as Edinburgh Zoo spending tens of thousands of pounds a year renting pandas from China.  At a time of economic austerity, for anyone to commit several millions of pounds to hiring out cuddly bears is beyond preposterous.  Aargh!  Looks like 2012 is going to be just as crazy as 2011 and the Olympics haven't even started yet.  At least with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee we get an extra holiday.  I suppose we have the excitement of the American Presidential election to look forward to, starting with the race for the Republican nomination, and the distant but longed for implosion of Britain's coalition government, starting with the implosion of George Osborne.  My money is still on Obama winning in November and I will certainly enjoy reading about the twists and turns of the election in my beloved Guardian - in newsprint for I have not yet been persuaded by a Kindle, but I can feel the moment approaching.  And whatever happened to Sarah Palin?  The Tea Party seems to be losing ground in term of its electoral support but the Republican Party still kowtows to it in much the same way as Cameron kowtows to the Tory right in the UK.  Why not just take the right-wingers and all of their associated nutty, loony-tunes supporters on face to face?  President Bartlett would.  Which reminds me that I must re-resolve to re-watch The West Wing on dvd from beginning to end in 2012. 

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